Joe Hughes Poems

Hit Title Date Added
A Bubble

I am a fresh blown bubble,
Just born with lots of care.
I'm undecided if I'll burst
Or fly into the air.

The Old Man At The Sea

He stands silently looking seaward,
Perhaps longing to be free?
To be free from land's firm clutches
To roam the endless sea?

Double Meaning

'I'll do it much later',
Means 'Never at all'.
'I'll be there in a minute',
Means 'Perhaps by nightfall'.


I've got hammers, some screwdrivers,
I've got wrenches by the score.
I've got screws - Yes, bags of nails,
A hundred hinges for fifty doors.

The Padded Room

It's just my eye that you can see,
Come closer now, can you see me?
I'm locked in here against my will,
They tell me I am very ill.

El Dorado

I have a place called heaven
Where my spirits rise and soar -
It's the chair by the TV,
When Countdown's on at four.

A Healthy Life

I've got Germolene for spots,
Head and Shoulders for my scalp.
I've got Olay for my dry skin,
Vaseline for hands so chapped.


He's got her finally in his grasp.
He smiles in silent contentment.
She loved him at first sight - lost her appetite.
Now her flesh sags - lost between her bones.

Night-Time Walking

Houselights hue domestic bliss.
Curtains drawn, some still apart.
A distant engine gently purrs.
Night-time fodder for the heart.

Strawberry Jam

She takes her break at half eleven.
She never eats roast beef nor ham.
She wouldn't touch pate nor bacon.
For her it's always strawberry jam.

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