Now You Sit In Your Corner Poem by JAMES T. ADAIR

Now You Sit In Your Corner

the coldness and the rain
I shudder with a chill
and wonder if love is destined
to be another blunder
again in vain

My soul is dying
before my body does
I wonder about all that was
what used to be a family
You and me and Allen
and Stephanie

And now there is Calla too
where once there was just me and you
but what did we do
we went our separate way
and what did we choose to keep
and what did we throw away
it's now for you to say

My days here are gone
as if I never was
and I feel each day the hurt
of everything
and mostly of what once was
to your uspoken 'why'
I would only say 'because'

Because love was all I ever had
I never wanted more or less
I think I tried my very best
and passed each and every test
but once my heart was broken
all feeling lingered and did stir
and torture in my chest
now I deserve some needed rest

To rest my weary heart
that's been wandering alone
while your treasured sister and you
talk and joke upon the phone
when it is I who have been left alone
no mate to hold my hand
to sing with joy or to take the time
to ask and understand
I'm just here lost in a land
I never dreamed or planned
no fouddation ever lasts on shifting sand

Now you sit in your corner
and I alone in mine
watch each precious minute of life
each lost moment in time
passing without meaning
never again to be mine
and it shouldn't be this way
I aay over and over in my head
if this is the way life is
I might as well be dead

© James T. Adair

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