Nugget Poem by Francis Duggan


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Brown nugget chase roos in Baxters land but the roos from her bounce right away
As kangaroos can go so quickly few dogs with them could hope to stay
For the first one hundred metres she seem to gain on them but then she starts lagging behind
In full flight a kangaroo 'twould seem can travel as fast as the wind.

Nugget a kelpie bitch belonging to Les and Heather Tobias loves to come out walking with me
I often takes her to Baxters land along the path that leads down to the sea
The kangaroos out before twilight bounce through the high scrub up the rise
And nugget give them chase but in vain which comes to me as no surprise.

A dog is the best friend one can have and Nugget with joy barks at me
When I come to take her out walking I'm one she is happy to see
A short drive in the car down to Baxters and if she sees a dog on the way
She barks loudly through the back seat window 'this is my car' perhaps she say.

Young Nugget is a female kelpie and she is fast approaching her prime
And to chase roos through the scrub at Baxters is her way of having a good time,
She always seems happy to greet me she barks and bounces around like a ball
A dog's love is always unconditional they are our best friends after all.

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