Obsessed Poem by Rue Ravenclaw


We’re friends, so to each other we speak,
but lately I noticed that you reek
with desperate desire
that never, for me, will inspire.

One after the other, you won’t stop.
Like a rabbit to a carrot, to a new “love” you hop.
Victimizing the innocent, controlling them until they’re depressed.
I can diagnose you-you’re obsessed.

You’re bloodthirsty for attention.
It’s just something that you won’t mention.
You chose to feed it with love, which you don’t know is fake.
You dug yourself into a massive hole that you continue to make.

This foolishness is making you blind,
and also clouding your mind
from seeing what you’re doing to your friends-
you’re dragging all those friendships to their ends.

Why can’t you realize
that you’re always the cause of your demise?
You keep blaming your newest “love” for breaking your heart,
but it’s a good thing that they broke you two apart.

You think you’re so special, so famous,
but you’re just like the rest of your friends- us.
We acknowledge you and appreciate you to the end,
but for the next “one”, your heart you continue to mend.

You’re not a third-wheel.
You’re one of the stars of the show, that’s how we feel.
Just like us, you have a spotlight, too.
You just need to be yourself, be you.

You think you’re in love, but you’re not.
You think you have a strong relationship, but soon it’ll rot.
If you’re trying to make us jealous, you’re not succeeding.
Later you two will break up, then it’ll be us you’re needing.

Stop being so lazy
and fight your crazy,
desperate, attention-needing,
bloodthirsty, obsessed feeling.

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