Obsolete By Gio Masserati Poem by Gio Masserati

Obsolete By Gio Masserati


in our hearts in our minds love songs playing
on the turntables stereo cassete tapes radios cd vcr dvds
are these all obsolete?
these are the gems that never lose value to me

why am I so content with my 'treasures'
in a world of mass disposal
are electronics also deemed as
'only as good as their last performance'
the lie!

they too have been devalued
like people
'your only as good as your last performance! '
the big fat lie!

thought this line was only assigned to 'producers'
who don't produce fast enough or cheap enough
whatever the line is
of the day
like people

discarded and piled off to the side
anyone old
anything used
or thing not new or perfect

do we still have a moral compass?
if not in the home
then where?
churches? politics? music industry? movie industry?
where does it all end? or begin

where to begin?
tell me please
I'm just trying to be better at just being me
no more believing lies of
'your only as good as your last performance'
big fat lies that steal the joy of living

now we have utube and ipod and streaming
am I the only one that treasures my record collections?
guess I'm old school or content or sentimental

until that day I go to heaven
I'm not changing for the world
I have a plan to hold out
for a worthy future
not obsolete

by the way,
is it still okay to whisper a song in your ear?

Obsolete   By Gio Masserati
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: alternatives,contemplative,disappointment,excuses,lie,lies,love and life,materialism,music,value
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