Ocean's Symphony Poem by Ashley Goncalves

Ocean's Symphony

My pale white feet surrendered with each step into the warmth of sand
Approaching the chill of the ocean's touch my body trembled with each roaring demand
Each beat of my heart ached evermore as I made my way to the roaring sea
And as the energy coursed through my body, I knew my song is the Ocean's symphony

Dear God I could feel your mighty creation calling for me from mother Ocean blue
The overbearing and crushing waves brought forth shells once alive and true
But still I walked with the grace of dreams grasping me by the hand
I was soon to be submerged in an element that far exceeds the thrills of land

Now surrounded by embracing waters of purples blues and greens
I dove deeper to grasp a fantasy that is far more real than it seems
I didn't belong back there...surrounded by the heats and confines of the ground
I belonged here...floating aimlessly in ocean currents where life and love abound

I could feel the spirits of those animals so close within my reach
They live their lives in harmony without the noise and waste of speech
Every breath not taken was worth the time spent under the crashing waves
It is calm down here...and it is where my heart belongs...where it is finally safe

And then I could hear my name being called by a largely overbearing soul
I felt this pull of memories and lies as the sound made my heart grow cold
I made my way back to the shore with the water trailing over my hair
And as I took one last look, my glance became an awe-filled stare

The waves screamed their goodbyes with the seafoam trailing in
And with the sunset beaming over, the details of its beauty shan't even begin to begin
I was struck by a deep, sensible wonder as to how far and how much my eye could see
Before my feet made their way inland to leave behind the Ocean's Symphony

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