Ode To Joebert Poem by Jordan Legaspi

Ode To Joebert

When I met you the moment I knew
As much as the people will do
But I cried for joy even I leap because of you
Self expression maybe mixed feelings
but they don’t know

Perfect you are from head to foot
The masculine appearance you haunted me so
Dark hair refines face and coat
That makes me crazy with your vitality and fame

Oh control my self but I could not
Each moment my lonely eyes caught you
Once again I am carried by the wind
Okay! Okay! I will make friends to you

But at first to drew near is so hard
With your tough looking eyes that bites
Plus the stirring that stumble me into horror
And your voice that can tell the future

It takes days for me to be near your
Hesitant between your innocence
But anyway we become good friends
Sharing moments if we have the chance

We begin each day with a kiss
And end up each night with a hug
Knowing not each feeling will be the turning point
For the chance for what ever may be

If sometimes life is so unfair you console me
Gray day with your presence it flies away
Rainbow may fall but never your loyalty to me
Like light that melts darkness away

Game after game we both play
Running here and there
Oh what a wonderful feeling but-
Could not be the same we’re not meant for each other

It is just another illusion in your imagination
Jeobert is just the cute dog next door
The pet that I cared and consider my own
Spent my little time with him at home

Jeobert they don’t know
Like his master wherever I go he will follow
But by the moment I leave him
He just simply sneak and with his eyes waving goodbye

Even nighttime he is in our door
Can’t wait the next day for us to play
Or to go around like an officer with his watch dog
Jeobert I will miss you but I have to go

Jordan Legaspi

Jordan Legaspi

Davao City, Philippines
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