Off In The Woods Of The Canyon Poem by David Howerton

Off In The Woods Of The Canyon

That afternoon was clear, I wanted to be out watching the deer feed in the forest. My cup of coffee was hot and I had a book to read and off I went. Looking for just the right tree to sit under. Out in the long shadows of late day. The book wasn't too thick, and was full of poems and stories I knew that I'd have fun reading until it grew to dim to read by.
Having found the tree I was looking for I put down the coffee until it grew a little cooler, and read. After four or five pages I heard a sound off in the forest below me where the road used to be. And holding my place I looked and saw a doe with a year old fawn walking out nibbling at the grasses. I sat still not moving at least not trying too. The doe was so pretty, I followed her with my eyes as she moved. Along the remains of a road ten years gone. Such grace doesn't come to my eyes that often. So with awe in my chest I continued to watch, and breathed as little as possible. Until with the shifting of sounds from the highway and my own scent they bounded off.

David Howerton

David Howerton

San Jose California
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