Oh Is Dat Righ? Poem by Cherokee Akan Ewe

Oh Is Dat Righ?

yeah i be redoing my resume
to be advanced into that Teacher position
in other countries
i bee peeping while minding my own business
while others stay in the same position moving nowhere to be exact realest
only business economics and education
sliding in where i want
spending expensives never
internationally known by they own association
while known invisibly by my own you see me clearly focused fo no sport
i'll let the youth from the streets wet em up with Lonnie Johnson's invention
squirt em down while be laughing wept embarrassed they be dripping unfinished
blushed as the temperatures rushed to the veins heated cause they funnystyle and ain't nobody homosexual this way
we either sexless or reproducing for a wholistic cause to the heart of our spirituality undamaged
pumping who you never felt
reliving as the tech
held in the memory of real innovators down to put in work moving like a think tank dumper....

Friday, August 31, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: realistic
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