Oh My Love Poem by mamutty CHOLA

Oh My Love


You were a fairy from paradise
Different from others oh my love

You came to the earthonly for me
Oh my love

You werepersonification of beauty
Oh my love

I lack words how to praiseyou
Oh my love

Your smile waslikemorning breeze
Oh my love

Your walkwas likepeacock and deer
Oh my love

Your intoxicated eyes werelike deep sea
Oh my love

Your flowing hairs in the air waslikecloudy
weather oh my love

You were my life and existencelike soul
Oh my love

When I look at moon in full moon nit night
I see your reflection oh my love

Your smilewaslike advent of spring in life
Oh my love

Even after havingyou I would feel sad thinking
Whetheryou were mine, oh my love

The glove of your face, attractive lips were
Like roses petal, oh my love

You were different, innocent andunaware of
Destiny oh my love

I still remember that that tears filled eyes
At the time of parting after college, oh my love

I had loved you with all the power at my command
But unfortunately you were not in my destiny
Oh may love

Yes, you will ever remain like heart beats
In the valley of my heart oh my love
You were different I am still proud of your
Love oh my love.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: lyric
Varsha M 02 December 2020

Very touchy. College love is experimental. if it works good. If not it paves path to a better relationship ahead.

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