Oh Say. Can You See? For Friend Thad Poem by ivor or ivor.e hogg

Oh Say. Can You See? For Friend Thad

Oh say can you see

At night, when I should be sleeping.
From my window slyly peeping
I can see the fairies dance.
I’m not afraid to take a chance
that the fairies might see me.
Because I know they are friendly.

They have no reason to fear me.
They do not mind that I can see.
Why should they mind they know quite well
there is nobody I can tell
Who would believe that I had seen
the fairies dancing on the green.

I know that grownups cannot see
what children see so easily
Though adults do not seem to mind
they do not know that they are blind.
Their childish innocence once lost
can’t be replaced at any cost.

So they dismiss as fantasy
the fairies they no longer see.
But in their blindness they insist
that fairy folk do not exist
All children in their wisdom know.
Grown ups are wrong it isn’t so.

Most adults are convinced they’re right
but some few have retained their sight.
They see the world as children see,
Accepting as reality.
the evidence of their own eyes
and you will too if you are wise.

http: //.blog.myspace.com/poeticpiers

ivor or ivor.e hogg

ivor or ivor.e hogg

Hebburn.Co Durham U.K
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