Old Bill One I Know Fairly Well Poem by Francis Duggan

Old Bill One I Know Fairly Well

Old Bill one i know fairly well never laughs at a joke
In fact I've never seen him smile he is a sour old bloke
He seems bereft of humor which seems a little sad
As he is an honest person and in him nothing bad.

Seventy five years old and single he has never had a wife
And he has never fathered children he leads a lonely life
With a red brick home in the leafy Suburb he is quite a wealthy man
He has more than enough of money for to live out his life span.

He does not seem to have vices cigarettes he does not smoke
And he never has drunk alcohol not a blokey sort of a bloke
His true self is the one you see for he is free of guile
He always looks so serious I've never seen him smile.

He will never go short of money he is financially secure
And he will not die laughing of that one can seem sure
He looks so very serious and those who have known him for years say
That he has not changed from year to year he has always been this way.

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