Old Marge Poem by Francis Duggan

Old Marge

On her front verandah she sits on her chair
The freshening morning winds blow and toss her gray hair
The wisdom of the years in her gentle brown eyes
Old marge in her late seventies of great insight and wise.

A book on her life would make an interesting read
And a hard and a sad life was her lot for to lead
She lost her mum and dad when she was only three
Whilst swimming a huge wave swept them out to sea.

She was raised in an orphanage and she is known to say
That her carers made her the one she is today
She learned from them kindness and for others for to care
And they prepared her for life in the big World out there.

Her husband John died just thirteen months ago
He suffered from stomach cancer his end painful and slow
And their only child Jimmy he died in Vietnam
He was such a moral and noble young man.

She has known her life crosses but she doesn't complain
She says for every sorrow a friend I did gain
The sheer joy of living she happily embrace
And a smile easily comes to her wrinkled brown face.

A motoring accident ten months back left her with crippled feet
And on her electrical wheelchair she drives down the street
She smiles at and she greets everybody she meets on her way
And she makes a new friend or two everyday.

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