Olympics 2012 And Beyond Poem by Joyce Hemsley

Olympics 2012 And Beyond

Britons will work,
they will not shirk
preparing for tourists
some four years from now.
Britons have know-how,
at their feet we bow.

Regions will need
a deep-clean creed;
cleanliness of renown
over city and town...
unemployed off the dole
to take a new role.

Old sites regained,
new contracts named;
the Games will engender
a time to remember,
with money in style
for a short while.

When all work is done,
there should be fun.
Olympic games will shine
but what's the next line?
Unemployment could rise
before our eyes!

One decade on,
I maybe wrong...
but I won't be around
to see trouble abound.
Germans suffered this fate.
'It was too late'.

Joyce Hemsley

Joyce Hemsley

Portsmouth England
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