On Him Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English Poems

On Him

He came, dared, fell through and lost,
Though a mine of gold in his heart;
Independent in spirit, low in craft,
He lost thousand avenues on his route.

Intelligent to the core, and for all fair,
Fate held not hand while needed most;
He walked straight for the life's share,
Unaware of hollows hidden on the street.

Innocent like dawn and simple within,
Discreet like swan deep in his mind,
He trusted all, alas, deeply let down,
Those he lived for blasted his world.

Human indeed with all his faults,
Loved to traverse as he fathomed,
He slipped, fell, but withstood jolts,
Refused to accept light others shed.

However he lived, it was his own,
Good and bad reaped, he had sown;
A solid prop from the fate's hand
Would have made what he deserved.

He was dare devil, ruffians' scare,
Workaholic while world it needed;
Ever he ready for challenges stare,
None helped him while he needed.

Nowhere is he now, but in past pages,
Nowhere his valour, but in lost ages;
None of outside could touch his state,
Only from inside, he was cut short.

Grew like wild tree, he grew very tall,
Grew higher and high only to badly fall;
Huge trees while fall, hearts do shrink,
When badly fall, hearts loudly shriek.

It is years now that he is nowhere,
Yet I grieve much for his sudden fall;
A little of fate's grace to his share,
He would have grown taller and tall.

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