On Saying Goodbye Poem by Ray Hansell

On Saying Goodbye

Everyone has a sad day
No matter who you are
There are certain days
That are the saddest by far

One of the saddest of all days
Is seeing someone leave
You don't want to but
In your heart you know you'll grieve

It's usually someone special
Someone who lives in your heart
You don't want to face the day
When you know they will part

You know you must be strong
Leaving is something they must do
They are doing it for themselves
Not to just hurt you

You have to stand back
You have to let them go
But before they leave
You must let them know

Just how much they mean to you
How much they have enriched your life
Even though you know saying goodbye
Is going to cut you like a knife

Let them know because of you
Your life was made better
You will forever remember them
Even as your eyes keep getting wetter

The tears that will fall
Will be tears of joy and sorrow
Joy, because you've known them
Sorrow, because they'll be gone tomorrow

But always remember the memories
You have because of them
When you sit back and remember
You'll remember all the fun back then

So let them go with grace
Wear a smile upon your face
Knowing that their place
In your heart is secure and safe


Friday, January 5, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: leaving
Ray Hansell

Ray Hansell

New Jersey
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