On The Death Of Mother Teresa (9-97) Poem by Francis Duggan

On The Death Of Mother Teresa (9-97)

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I heard the news this morning when I switched on the T.V.
Mother Teresa had passed away and of suffering was free
And though such sad tidings made me sad I felt no urge for tears
For one who had achieved so much in eighty seven years.

Don't weep for Mother Teresa for she is free of taint
In death she will be canonized in life she was a saint
A mother to the sufferers and a Goddess to the poor
And history will be kind to her of that one can be sure.

Don't weep for Mother Teresa weep for her poor instead
Weep for the World's starving who cry aloud for bread
'And if you can afford to' honour her memory
By giving to her children those who know poverty.

Don't weep for Mother Teresa but her life celebrate
She will always be remembered her achievements were great
She did more than anyone did for the outcasts and downtrod
And the Nun from Albania was child of a greater God.

I heard the news this morning a sad start to the day
The Goddess of the paupers from life had passed away
But don't weep for Mother Teresa weep for her poor instead
Weep for the World's starving who cry aloud for bread

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