Once Upon A Time, I Liked To Write In Rhyme, Poem by Catherine Phillips

Once Upon A Time, I Liked To Write In Rhyme,

Rating: 5.0

Once upon a time, I liked to write in rhyme,
Words flowed straight to the page with nothing left behind,
Words came so easy then, from where I just don't know,
Quiet thoughts of hopes and fears and even those I couldn't speak,
A clean white page, a waiting stage, the perfect way tobe unique,
A space to talk and dream, too fantasize, of all the things we seek.

Years passed, and now I find there's even more to say,
Older & wiser now, things learnt along the way,
Knowing life's a journey, going just one way.
Knowledge builds on knowledge like bricks that children play,
The basics learnt in Kindergarten, refined along the way.

Death is not a stranger now, it comes to everyone,
I'd bravely fight to keep it out, but I know I wouldn't win.
I've held the hand of loved ones when life was near the end.
And realised; our lives are made of the moments,
we'd sooner didn't end.

Monday, June 10, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: lessons of life
Chinedu Dike 11 June 2019

An insightful piece of poetry, well articulated and nicely brought forth with conviction. A beautiful work of art. Thanks for sharing, Catherine.

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Jazib Kamalvi 11 June 2019

Such a beautiful start, Catherine. Read my poem Love and L u s t. Thanks.

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