"Only Those Who Do Not Weep, Do Not See." Poem by Freeyad Ibrahim

"Only Those Who Do Not Weep, Do Not See."

Ode To Victor Hugo (23)
"Only those who do not weep, do not see."
Poem by Freeyad Ibrahim

Only the sufferer feels the agony of he who suffers.
Only the needy feels the needs of the others.
He who suffers feels the anguish of the poor,
That is why all Great Minds were profoundly poor.
"There is always more misery in the depths than compassion in the heights."
There are more moonless nights than sunny daylights
Everywhere you go you see Eyes filled with tears
Man lacks the desire to hear, all see but who hears?
"But Not being heard is no reason for silence."
He who is not blind needs no guidance.
Those who do not hear the waves of the sea are carefree
"Only those who do not weep, do not see."
Love the others if you want to be loved
"The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved.
To make a miserable laugh by fulfilling his needs
Is considered to be of the most noble deeds.
For Laughter chases winter from the human face.
Like sunshine, it lights the earth and Space.
"To love another person is to see the face of God."
Salute marhaba hello salam hi, Greet even by a slight nod.
Love friends neighbours colleagues children and wife
"There is no other pearl than love
to be found in the dark folds of life."

Freyad Hugo

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