Our Economy Poem by Randy McClave

Our Economy

Everywhere that I look they are hiring
No one is laying off or firing,
Our economy here is doing great
In every American U.S state.
There is a job here for everyone
Rebuilding Americas workforce is on,
Our workforce is expanding
More workers our county is demanding.
Everywhere that I go to look about or shop
Hiring signs are on the doors I read after I stop,
With an excitement and joy I am not daunted
Help everywhere is wanted.
Jobs are available for one and all
Not just for Juan, Yang, Maria, or Paul,
Every business is looking for employment
Even the U.S government.
We are not on a decline
If you look and read every hiring sign,
This is an answer to many a prayer
They are hiring both here and there.
Everywhere that I go Jobs are being posted
On that fact all industries have boasted,
And they are offering benefits and good pay
Hip hip hooray.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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