Our Lost Angel! Poem by Sujeet Asif

Our Lost Angel!

There he lay, silent and motionless,
As if to say that I have had enough,
This world and its wicked ways,
Don't I want to come and experience.
For me my mothers womb was heaven,
She cared for me upon my each movement,
I could feel her hand and her touch,
Her smiles ans her silent talks with me.
She was my friend and my life,
but it was time for me to face the truth,
I can't be always in my heaven forever.
All preparations were complete and all were expecting,
Even my date was set to leave my home.
The home where I saw the stars and moon,
The home where I felt my fathers love,
The embrace and the warmth that I felt,
As he hugged my mommy with care.
I knew my parents were very happy,
All the best that the duo could manage was picked,
With care and love and feelings in heart,
Dreaming of the togetherness and the warmth.
Yet I do not wish to be born,
As I had lived the best in my mothers womb.
'This is a wicked world', have I heard my father loud,
Many a times when he was hurt,
Also he had a weakness of true faith,
In someone he called as almighty,
His favourite dialogue have I heard many a times in womb,
'God Bless You' he pronounced to all good and bad,
But if someone called God be there,
How can he be so heartless and cruel,
Who demanded faith by afflicting torture,
On poor souls who had no reason,
With curse and famines as his favourite weapon,
And a face that he clever carved to do all this, called devil.
And so I decided that this world is not a place for me,
I better be in my heaven in my mother,
I delayed and delayed my stay to maximum,
But the cruel tyrant had other plans,
My date he settled with someone called doctor,
And it was 16th the autumn to see his kingdom.
So in respite would I not see the hell,
I close my eyes in my mothers heaven,
Bye, pa and ma is my last sentence,
I love you so much will there be in my last breath.
I know you both will be troubled,
But I know that you will not let your Son to be troubled,
Ans so I took decision for all us there,
To meet is some other heaven settled for us three......
Love you pa and ma...
Your KJM as you called me at times.

Our Lost Angel!
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: baby
A life's Worst Experience
Error Success