Our Sin Clock Poem by Gary James Smith

Our Sin Clock

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Our sin clock begins to tick
At the moment of our birth
Because of one man's disobedience
One day on planet earth
And things didn't get any better
They just got worse and worse
As men did what was right in his own eyes
It magnified the curse

God was angered by the sin
That men were bent on doing
He decided to destroy His work
Because of sins they were pursuing
But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord
And because of one man's good
He was used to prepare an Ark
To preserve him from the flood

Noah preached for many years
As the building project began
That God was going to destroy this world
And it would happen by rain
Of course they mocked and agitated
Who did God's appointed will
Until their unbelief became their doom
And they died in unbelief still

Men have changed very little
From back in Noah's day
They keep on as nothing will happen
What a surprise will come their way
For sin is full of deceitfulness
And men still do their own will
Continually rejecting the Word of God
Bent on suffering the doom of Hell

There is a Hope in blazing Light
He's the Man of Calvary
Our steadfast Hope and Rock of Ages
Who died for you and me
He the Ark of our Salvation
Provides forgiveness for our sin
Repent today and flee to that Saviour
Find true freedom in Him

Can you hear your sin clock ticking
You see it all around
For the penalty for each man's sin
Is to be buried in the ground
But praise God for that sinless One
Who can take your sins away
And remove the power of it's penalty
By raising us from our graves

So thankful I came to that Light
I looked and then I lived
I found my source of faith in Him
Grace and mercy did He give
So absolute His cleansing power
Praise God I am redeemed
And you too can know His love
It's a fact not just a dream

Time is of the essence here
Make sure you don't hesitate
For it's appointed unto men once to die
We have our own judgment date
Will you know the God of Heaven
Who is revealed in Christ the Son
And live up yonder where time turns eternal
I pray you will trust in this One!

Copyright November 27 2018 7: 27 AM

Gary James Smith

Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: love
Gary James Smith

Gary James Smith

Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
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