Overwhelmed Poem by Claudia Krizay


It wasn’t the wind, this morning,
Or the ominous sky
Colored dark gray, before the approaching storm-
That made the world appear as a dangerous place-
Yesterday there was sunlight on the horizon,
At the break of the day-however
Something took away my peace of mind last night, and
I can still hear my thoughts speaking to me aloud-
Threatening and as angry as I am feeling inside-
Some mysterious being has invaded my mind, and taken over-
I have lost contact with all that was once reality.
The wind is rustling the leaves upon the trees,
Some of the branches, are even falling to the ground-
The sky is dark gray and the clouds are almost blackening-
But in all actuality I would find it more bearable to be outdoors
Fighting nature’s approaching storm that to wage this war
That is tearing me apart inside of the world of my thoughts-
This early morning, the world outside is not a safe place to be-
I just saw lightening strike and brighten up this sky for the moment-
I recall last night, when the moon was full-
I would scream at those voices inside of my mind, as
They threatened to take my life- my spirit was once lost, but never found-
My spirit once young and alive has perished and the wind continues to bluster,
The rain begins to fall as thunder claps-as I pray for a ray of imagined sunlight to
Illuminate my mind- and even if storms outside would continue and never cease,
If I could regain my grasp on veracity and some gentle music would soothe
The pain that is tearing my heart to pieces, as that
Imaginary sunlight would open my eyes
To see the world inside of my mind as a safe place- that phantasmal sun would
Give me the courage to venture outdoors and the dark clouds
Would not seem so menacing, the wind would seem to be a cooling breeze, because
I know and believe that true happiness begins from the inside-
If I was content the rain could pour for an eternity and
I would not have to weep tears of frustration because that frustration would be gone-
And I could see that storms are magical because they clear the air and
Make this world a serene place to be while I would meet with my spirit once again
I believed was lost everlastingly- that spirit would return as that ray of light that
Shines hope and satisfaction upon eternity, for evermore.

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