Do not let your little ones drink bleach,
Keep it locked away and out of reach.
Do not let them eat sweet, sickly food,
It puts them in a spoiled, cantankerous mood.
Try to have them all in bed by eight,
Otherwise they're grumpy and irate.
Do not let them run away too far,
They may end up beneath the wheels of a moving car.
Do not let them climb the rickety stairs,
They may fall and catch you unawares.
Always do the very best you can
To stop them reaching up towards the boiling pan.
Please securely bolt the garden gate,
They may be off and then it's far too late.
Keep a constantly updated file
On local neighbours who may be paedophiles.
In short, be always on your guard,
For parenting is STRESSFUL....and very hard!
Personally, I find parenting has made me quite neurotic! Does it ever improve?
Cheers, Tim
Nice poem Tim, parenting is stressful, I found it gets worse when they hit their teens, hence my grey hair lol! 10 Lynda xx
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
Very clever collection of couplets. I totally get what you're saying here and yes parenting is stressful..... but also a delight and a joy, that which you never knew you'd have until you became a parent! ! (and don't get me started on how you then appreciate your own parents more....) Good write. HG: -) xx