Parenting poems from famous poets and best beautiful poems to feel good. Best parenting poems ever written. Read all poems about parenting.
I sit near the window,
The mountain in view,
The garden's so quiet,
Flowers are few,
Cover your cleavage my nieces
For the fruits are not ripe for harvest
The world has changed-they get aroused at sight
The pedophiles eyes water with lust.
A happy hatching has occurred,
An Inca tern chick comes brand new.
The species, an endangered bird,
Can be seen at Lincoln Park Zoo.
I long for the old days
Where we belonged to the society and the society belonged to all
I long for the old days where we smiled from the heart not from our teeth
I long for the days where communal activities brought us together as a society-no one felt alienated in a crowd
My dad, God bless him, some thought was weird,
and not because he chewed tobacco and ….. had a beard.
But unlike some dads who leave raising kids up to 'Mom',
Dad parented gently, though he could be stern (while calm) .
Many years ago in the early 80’s, my life was about to encounter an abrupt change. I was happily enjoying all the things that were going on in my life at that time. My husband and I enjoying good times, everything seemed to be nicely falling into place. The money was coming in on a regular basis, the children were doing well in school, sickness was almost non-existent. I was preparing for a body-building competition, my health, I thought was
excellent. I worked very hard in the gym, was determined to win the competition of course.
We just opened a new business called (Dynamic Demo) received a contract to work at the Co-op stores, fantastic I thought. While working in Co-op,
My mother was a staunch member of the Women's Institute in the village where she lived the last thirty-five years of her life. This poem is about an incident that took place at about the same time as the Watergate scandal in the United States.
She flicks the switch, the room is bugged.
She smiles to think the girls she’s hugged
He said to the Ocean
'how deep your depths,
how many waves
each day crest? '
Just like all other new things
they change over time, our hearts perish
nothing is as changeable as the world itself
She said wearily
'I am trapped
in the Chain of Desperation
trying to break free;
It's the laughter most I miss
and doing things in the sun.
I look in the mirror glass
and see a woman still young
My Father's words are my legacy
He gave the pen of ardent writing.
The love for books and careful study,
And wealth of knowledge gained by reading.
(dedicated to Ms. Magdalena Kožená, a great mezzo-soprano)
listen to bees' playing
listen to rains' pouring
Barely concealing emotion and tentative as
if mutely accusing me of complicity she
asked if I had seen her little dog. We’ve
known each other seven years; while she
Obituary: Common Sense
Don't know who the Author is of this piece: but wanted to share it.
I may not be rich in wealth...
but I am wealthy in the richness of many young hearts
I may not be endowed with the beauty of charm.......
but I am charmed by the beauty of my little angels.
They are the blind who see, they are the deaf who hear and the mute who speak
They are the disadvantaged, the disabled and the challenged
They feel everything but remain unsure of what it is they have touched
They seek God but find evil in practically everything he created
Nothing hurts me more than my own thoughts
Intelligentsias all over world have offered explanations and always sought
The adoption of whimsical ways to come out of jugglery
It is nothing but state of mind and simple misery
***Important information, ADDED August 7th 2017:
Readers of showcases, this August's showcase has been somewhat of a bother to me, for various reasons. I've had 'technical problems' maneuvering through the process of putting it together. Much of the trouble has to do with its length and my attempts to make it more user-friendly. PoemHunter does not always cooperate either. Now I am in the process of breaking the LONG showcase (over 40 poems, by over 40 poets) into FOUR PARTS: A, B, C, and D.
Smoking and drinking is naturally unhealthy
It is not for the poor and even the wealthy
It is not for the young and even mature
Its not for anyone that's for sure
lifepoem of the present perfect tense
in time of hardship,
As a parent the first thing you discuss with your partner, your husband or your wife is the hope your children will be healthy and have a happy life.
Mr. Rufous-necked hornbill tells
Mrs. Rufous-necked hornbill that
It's been longest of bird dry spells
Lovemaking in their habitat.
The Bible is not meant
to be read through.
It is meant to be prayed
Even in betrayed
couples, greater
levels of forgiveness
Parenting is now a
full contact sport
No lines demarcated,
Success, for Jeremy
by Michael R. Burch
We need our children to keep us humble
Writing a poem is not about bringing some words together to create some charming sentences. It's so much deeper than that. Writing poetry is a bridge that allows people to express their feelings and make others live every single word they read. Poetry is to educate people, to lead them away from hate to love, from violence to mercy and pity. Writing poetry is to help this community better understand life and live it more passionately. contains an enormous number of famous poems from all over the world, by both classical and modern poets. You can read as many as you want, and also submit your own poems to share your writings with all our poets, members, and visitors.