Particle As The Basic Block Of Creation Poem by Olusegun Sotade

Particle As The Basic Block Of Creation

Particle is a traceable measure in space of time interval
to which its existence become an entity
through electrically charged breeze of air in radiation-force of power.
This development later turns to moving energy

by simultaneously producing positively charged ions
and negatively charged ions as the pumped power
filled the compactness of neutral space in chunks of time intervals
to foment electromagnetic field in repulsive reactions.

These reactions necessitate the ejection of anion valence
to generate electrical discharges that are sufficient
for life-sustaining pulse to be evident
in much expanded space-time interval as ideal balance.

Albert Einstein said: 'In the theoretical treatment of these electrons,
we are faced with the difficulty that electrodynamic theory
itself is unable to give an account of their nature
for since electrical masses constituting the electron would necessarily
be scattered under the influence of their mutual repulsion
unless they are forces of another kind operating between them,
the nature of which has hitherto remained obscure to us.'
Cations and anions are formed from neutral atoms
by a sufficient energy that splits the charged into positively and negatively charged particles
while neutrons are the forces that suspend electrons to protons at the neutrally balanced distance.
Neutrality is the mass enforcing virtue of all the existing atoms and molecules.
Features of particle in sub-atoms are more evident in liquid form as found in single slit experiment of water-wave particle.
Nikola Tesla said: 'The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena,
it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.'
Particle may be classified as non-physical phenomenon based on the nature its existence renders,
but it is much more alive than a blood differentiated by zygote in uterus.

Thursday, August 12, 2021
Topic(s) of this poem: blind love,life,existence
Continuation part of 'The magnificence of Nikola Tesla's 369 secret revealed'.
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