Patience Is A Virtue Poem by Denis Martindale

Patience Is A Virtue

Everything comes to those that wait,
If they wait patiently...
If not on time, it may be late,
But comes eventually.
Of course, I may be wrong on this,
Completely out of tune...
But wouldn't it be total bliss,
If SOMETHING happened SOON! ?
Time's getting on, it's flying by,
It's here and then it's gone.
In time, it's bound to make us sigh,
As it goes on and on...
A minute here, a minute there,
An hour fast departs!
That's quite enough to cause despair
And chill the warmest hearts.
I'd like to think that we've a chance
To get things right somehow...
Instead of this sad song and dance,
Why can't we get it NOW! ?
Is it too difficult a task?
So hard it can't be done?
Be PATIENT! ? That's too much to ask!
Am I the only one! ?
Wake up! Get up and on the move!
Sort out this ghastly mess!
Unless we see that you improve,
How can we say, 'God bless! '?
Snap to it! Please! Just sort it out!
There's no time for mistakes!
If you don't start, I'll SCREAM and SHOUT!
So that YOUR patience breaks!

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