Penny Squeezing Monsters And Metal Detectors Poem by Theorem The Truth Serum

Penny Squeezing Monsters And Metal Detectors

</>He's doing the best that he can
and I hope his best is enough.
He's doing everything that he said he would.
He's concentrating more on the war at home
than the wars that linger overseas.
He's fighting the right wing and our whole
governmental process which I agree
it really needs a bit of cosmetic surgery.
I really hope that he erases our global stance
of being a bunch of war mongering Imperials.
In the past, we've treated the world as a grape
and we have sucked it dry turning it into a raisin.
In the past, we have worried about how we can make
money off of any living soul that we can get our hands on.
We have tried to squeeze out pennies from individuals
who only make a few and we've forced them into
living under doorways with nothing to keep them warm.
Now many of the people that were metal detectors for
these penny squeezing monsters finding a beep in the form
of a human so that they can extract every bit of monetary
metal on these person's through bad business ventures.
Oh how easy it was for these metal detectors to swarm the beach
and find innocent people to squeeze from but now
that time has come to a disastrous halt.
The top squeezes still have their money and their power
but their soldiers are ones of misfortune.
America should learn a big lesson from this.
They should know that people will do anything to be rich.
People will do anything to stay rich even if it means
destruction of the people that got you there.
The rich use and abuse us and stay on top every time.
They control all of the money and they control all of the debt.
They encourage us to borrow money from them.
We are destined to be slaves to them once again and I am tired.
My bones ache and my fuel is spent.
When will society come together and overthrow these cretins?
When will society turn off their stupid tendencies to follow these people?
Now the time has come to sever these ties.

Dawn Fuzan 15 May 2014

Amazing poem many! !

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