Perfection! Absolute Perfection! Poem by Denis Martindale

Perfection! Absolute Perfection!

As soon as I laid eyes on her, I couldn't say a word!
The reason for that to occur? Romance within me stirred...
I couldn't move as we stood there, to offer her my hand,
Because my heart was deep in prayer! In Love's sweet wonderland!
'Hello, ' she said, 'Are you OK? Another lost in space! '
But still I stood, no words to say... still gazing on her face.
'Oh, no, it's happening again! You're smitten like the rest!
Hearts and flowers! Romantic men! So easily impressed!
A whiff of perfume and you're gone! Some blonde with silky hair!
Why can't you see it's all a con and that you should beware! ? '
But she was perfect! Without doubt! The best I've ever seen!
The evidence was all about! No wonder I was keen!
I told her straight, 'You're wonderful! The perfect Valentine!
To me, your lips are lovable, as sweet as newmade wine.
To me, your eyes are precious pearls, like sapphires in the sun.
For me, there'll be no other girls... for you're my perfect one.'
She sighed as if she'd heard it all, a thousand times before.
I sighed because I'd heard Love's call and couldn't want for more.
She walked away. She left me there. Still doting on her now...
Until I knew she didn't care... Could never care somehow...
I'll not forget her perfect smile before she spoke to me...
I'll dream of her a long, long while, until Love sets me free...

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