Perhaps... Poem by Edmund V. Strolis


Rating: 5.0

Perhaps her mind stirs like the sea
A victim of the madness
Un-moored she wishes to be free
From sorrow, pain and sadness

Perhaps he fell upon hard times
To drugs, to lust, to pride
He is a product of his lies
A menace to the world outside

To navigate this rocky shore
In a vessel tossed and turned
Waters breach the cabin door
From lessons yet unlearned

Perhaps if calmer seas prevail
If the horizon was in view
They may begin to mend their sails
With help from me and you.

Sunday, August 12, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: compassion,faith,forgiveness,hope,kindness,understanding
Kumarmani Mahakul 12 August 2018

A touching expression has been made on compassion and forgiveness astutely. The last stanza is much impressive. A beautiful poem shared amazingly.10

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Edmund Strolis 17 August 2018

Some are in a prison of pride, others are cast about without boundaries, rudderless and without the discipline needed to maintain a semblance of balance. Lost souls come in all forms as we are all fallen from grace. We are best when we humble ourselves and do not give in to the culture of cynicism. We are defiant in our goodwill and unrelenting pursuit of happiness for all.

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Sarah Persson 12 August 2018

Much empathy here shown for any person who has inner turmoil which can seem impossible to overcome, unless we commit to finding faith in the healing hands and minds of others.

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Edmund Strolis 17 August 2018

We dismiss compassion at our peril. This is not to say that we are to be fools easily taken for a ride, or seen as a soft target. The opposite is true. As we see things as they are we can differentiate that which is evil and destructive from that which is broken and suffering. A poet can imagine their misfortune and in so doing recognition and understanding will prevail.

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