Ph: Faith: I Don't Belong To Me Poem by Brian Johnston

Ph: Faith: I Don't Belong To Me

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'No one worth possessing can be quite possessed. That includes one's self.' - Sara Teasdale

I don't belong to me (it's true) , you don't belong to you.
Can't be denied, a simple truth, but one embraced by few,
At best the child of loving God, at worst, you're all alone,
(And any time you say a prayer, ‘deep space' is on the phone) !

The world's best hope that God is real
Is in Christ's death, God's Grace the deal!
The ‘Church' God's love, to be precise
A marriage sought, and faith ‘bride price.'

Man's next best hope, a simple truth that man somehow exists,
A Cosmic joke? Our destiny? Man gets what he resists!
Man's dreams are all (for senses lie) , and we can't see God's truth
Though models serve (God uses curve) we're so restrained by youth.

What purpose (you think) do we serve?
You could propose one (what a nerve!) ,
Star dust evaluates its worth,
Hear laughter joined around the earth!

But we are here, and logic tracks, these loom quite large to me
Suggests there might indeed be plan for this reality!
Though human prayers to Trinity don't prove that They exist
Still, when the rainbow fills the sky, I feel the bride get kissed!

Brian Johnston
July 31,2017

Monday, July 31, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: appreciation,faith,god
Abekah Emmanuel 09 August 2017

The metaphorical use of the holy Matrimony to illustrate our relationship with God is beautiful. I think the Bible has similar stories where brides and bridegrooms are used to represent God and His Servants(or children) . Brian's seems to suggest with the title of the poem that, we don't owe ourselves, or we are not on our own as we often think.Unfortunately, only few people accept this fact. To him, those who accept this become members of God's Commonwealth, and those who refuse this obviously are alone(though they are not aware) . Brian hits the nail by the head in the second stanza in simple and plain words.. The world's best hope that God is real Is in Christ's death, God's Grace the deal! The ‘Church' God's love, to be precise A marriage sought, and faith ‘bride price. We have no hope outside Christ, in fact a reaffirmation of Jesus as the only way through which we have a meaningful life. This stanza has an interesting biblical allusion. The next stanza, which refers to philosophical doctrines that cast doubt on creation but still believe that humans somehow exist, Brian ask, is it a cosmic joke? and how does that even account for our destiny? Brian claims we have what we resist. Though am not too sure what Brian seems to suggest by that, I suppose he means to say we get what we struggle for, and this may be by own effort, which often cloud our real understanding of God. In the end, whether the trinity exist and is true or not, Brian believes our prayer to them is not a sufficient proof of their existence. But I ask, if there is a man who prays, isn't there a God who listens? Well, Brian will certainly have to answer me.ha! The poem however ends beautifully, regardless of whether our beliefs are true or not, Still, when the rainbow fills the sky, I feel the bride get kissed! Fantastic poem...keep writing!

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