Ph: Faith: I Come Before You Poem by Brian Johnston

Ph: Faith: I Come Before You

I come before you, proclaiming you're Brother
Or Sister in Christ's death, that Eve was our Mother
Though you claim (in faith too)that my Truth's your falsehood!
If all faith's just faith, how can we in our childhood
Claim ‘Wisdom' of adults (a goal that's aspired to,
Not some fait accompli) ! Give grace to a man who
With some trepidation, bares what he's learned, naked,
As grounds for discussion! Let me serve the wicked
(That I too am one of)in poetry's fashion!
Oh, call me a fool? Let Hate die in my passion! '

Bible says (Science proves) , "Eve's womb defines man, "
Shared genes though are found in all Life. ("This is God's plan? "
You laugh!)Is the joke not far bigger? Life's Stardust
From get-go! Is Life on parade more like gene rust
Or diamonds? 'Survival? ' That's God's best idea?
Our God's just utopian, tongue diarrhea?
Some days I think one way, the next, my mind wanders:
The subject is vast and men better responders
To divots on ‘fairways' than potholes on highways,
Like sheep who've lost shepherd, we're skilled more at segues!

Less than three minute's we toil (on our best days) ,
Before our minds jerk off most trails that weak thought's blaze!
Today if some gloom overshadows our sadness
When Love seems to die, is it due to some badness!
Or more linked to seasons of every blossom?
You're sure all friends' deaths aren't just souls who play possum?
Is God who's behind this? Not souls' choice I'm guessing,
My feelings get stretched past sane ends! (I'm confessing!)
But let me not fear that a soul's not God's gifting
As long as what muse flows through pen is uplifting!

Let what creates in Love cry when it's absent!
More grownups then grok that our Truth's adolescent,
The fragrance of God needs more gifting to master,
The depth of God's Love more abyss to best pastor!
What Majesty makes no attempt at concealing
Dim senses discern as four walls, floor, and ceiling.
God's light needs no ‘ether, ' but sound drowns in ‘vacuum.'
Does intellect dream it is Spirit in costume?
If flags (you salute)pose a threat to Mom's litter,
It's Fool's Bling you worship (God's Truth's more than glitter) !

Brian Johnston
21st of June in 2019

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