Ph: Faith: Models Of Reality In Religion Poem by Brian Johnston

Ph: Faith: Models Of Reality In Religion

Rating: 5.0

The “existence of God” can’t be proven by Science.
Since man’s reasoning seems to run God off the rails.
There’s the alternate view that “the world just exists, ”
But whatever your take, devil lives in details.

How can God truly be the creator of all
Without Nature revealing the heart of His plan?
That the Bible purports to do so still requires
The insertion of petrified pride born of man.

That God is the “I Am, ” that the “Universe Is, ”
These are models of truth and they both could be true,
Or they both could be false, both ideas simply thoughts
And what God sees as truth simply not clear to you.

Even Bible tells us Christ is model of Him,
Simply meant to help man get a sense of our God,
With a Nature that always shows love to a child
And God’s Grace to adult more deserving of rod!

But the value of model lies hidden in truth
That’s revealed when we follow the logical path
Of its leading, no quarter be given or asked,
Any fool see the truth if he follows the math.

It would seem then God’s best known by studying Christ
And the universe best known by studying stars
Just by light do we fathom it even has bounds,
Where Christ’s words are the fodder of tough seminars.

There’s no doubt that both Christ’s words and stars do exist.
Who’s to say equal traction of both is involved.
Are Christ’s words really just as the Bible reports?
And do stars really shine as we think they’ve evolved?

But can universe be source of Christ, much less God?
To my mind, simply does not compute that it could
But a God might explain everything that we see
And yet God that is real doesn’t mean that He would.

So though logic seems clearly not helpful to choose,
If believing in God brings you peace in the night,
If an uncaring universe means there’s no judge,
There’s no “Reason” I see not to trust your insight.

Seems to me these two models are locked in a draw
If, emotion is always swept under the rug,
The most human of aspects dismissed like a dream,
Oh, how wretched the day we must go without hug.

I am tempted to itemize blessings of life
And compare them to universe born without mind,
Like the blessing that Science Truth even exists,
And the miracle those who seek frequently find.

Universally true that we could have lucked out,
Maybe God who created us just doesn’t care?
But if lessons hurt still we are able to learn.
And if God doesn’t love us then why would He share?

Perhaps Nature itself demonstrates God exists
Though we know for a fact that man’s flesh soon will die,
If creation is born of a God that persists
What's the evidence proving man’s soul is a lie?

Both the Christian and Atheist live lives of faith
If you’re tempted to suggest soul concept's puerile
Let me posit that neither can prove other wrong,
And then challenge your evidence our death is real!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: god
Brian Johnston
September 22,2015
Abekah Emmanuel 23 September 2015

Artistically conveyed, simple and straightforward in diction, philosophical in content, amusing logically. Indeed, the issue of existence and reality remains one of the oldest topics in philosophy, precisely in metaphysics which focuses on what exists. Any time one takes a critical look at the topic, the more complicated it becomes and the endless flow of questions. After reading the poem, and indeed when I saw the title, what immediately came to mind was Plato's theory of Forms. Indeed, should we consider the position of the absolute skeptics, that nothing can be known with absolute certainty, then we are bound to doubt our very existence, that of the universe, that of God, and everything worth doubting, but we know that the position of the skeptics is self contradictory, in that, if we cannot know anything with absolute certainty, then how did they arrive at their position? Notwithstanding this contradiction, we can attest to this fact that our knowledge on the universe is very questionable. The poet's states clearly that, not even science can prove the existence of God. what of religion? We know what faith can do. I like the way Brian handled the issue, taking a good look at both sides of the debate and opening our eyes on new questions for contemplation. As a matter of fact, the existence of the universe and that of God are two closely related topics, for the existence of a good and supportive universe suggests the existence of a God who cares, though this is difficult to prove. Brian put it better, Perhaps Nature itself demonstrates God exists Though we know for a fact that man’s flesh soon will die, If creation is born of a God that persists Where is evidence proving man’s soul is a lie? Both the Christian and Atheist live lives of faith If you’re tempted to tell me our soul is puerile Let me posit that neither can prove other wrong, And then challenge your evidence our death is real! yes, the atheists, like the theists, also employ faith in his unbelief for none can prove the other wrong. However, the existence of God is very possible and real since Brian can even be sure of our death as humans. Well written sir, I enjoyed it!

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