Ph: Faith: Warning: Barely Closeted Monsters Lurk Here! Poem by Brian Johnston

Ph: Faith: Warning: Barely Closeted Monsters Lurk Here!

Religious freedom's what's at stake! True monsters wage this war!
God's told THEM (1) just when life begins (so faith that differs SIN) !
My Bible does not say, does yours? Raise hands if you've heard Voice.
But God, Herself, proves Thumpers (2) liars through fetuses SHE takes
from parents who would love the child whose fetus SHE aborts
because it sinned before its birth. Is God's creation so complex?
Or might it be, how gross is this? "A soul's assigned at birth? " (3)
Which makes more sense unless you say that God's ‘ABORTIONIST! '
Should mothers go to jail for this, or is SHE more to blame?
Abortionists are murderers! Friends! Let us nail this God to "cross! "
Oops, I forgot! ‘twas done already (by the Jews) . Repeat?
"Christ-killers all! " false saints proclaim! (or do ALL share Jews' guilt) ?
Humility hints fresh start often is the prudent path.

Ignore sex sin, agnostics, even atheists! Abhor,
instead, the vanity of those whose loss is other's win,
who separate themselves from all they grok they aren't. Their ‘choice'
they call God's Holy Ground, the churches built there ‘monstrous fakes, '
where idol worship turns one's head, perversions earn passports
to heaven's realm. Can gifts to priests excuse our love of sex?
Who knows if God has sex (though on ‘Day One, ' God loved the Earth) .
Sex on the Earth is quite diverse (or God's not a perfectionist) !
What's "good" seems to EVOLVE with time. Does God that grows bring shame
or help explain God's love for us? Our ‘Right' makes Satan boss!
Slipped Catholics (with friends) wage war that's God's to wage, compete
against the truth (they say they'd serve) , seem Monsters to the hilt,
drive nails, re-pierce Christ's hands and feet, view Satan as EMPATH!

Brian Johnston
14th of May in 2022
Poet's Notes:
(1) The "Monsters." Definition: 'It is our FAITH we know what's right! '
However, their adamant refusal to see the sin that is theirs, their insistence that they have the right to judge others is what creates the "Hell on Earth" which complicates human lives, I believe. May God (through Christ) forgive such sin!
(2) Is there a more evil person living on Earth than a "Bible Thumper" who tries to tell others what is true without even a single verse, a smidgen of Science, to justify his "laughable faith? " And recent 'conservatives' appointed to our Supreme Court all lied to Congress to help win their appointments.
How can anyone (who is not trying to "earn" the Grace of God) pretend that they grok (and don't just infer) God's heart, or own the Grace Christ died to make ours?
(3) I pray that this simple idea will help put this whole ‘abortion controversy' behind us. We know nothing by the force of our human reason. We ALL must live by faith, yet Science does prove qualitatively that some reasoning is better than "blind faith."

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