Ph: Life: Faith As Poetry Poem by Brian Johnston

Ph: Life: Faith As Poetry

If you have ever wondered what side of the fence you should be on consider this...

1. Christ would never not buy a gun to avoid the temptation perhaps that he might use it in fear or anger. He would never be tempted. He would not buy a gun! Are you a follower of Christ?
Fallen man loves the idea of punishing anyone who seems threatening. Better to make a mistake in judgment and kill an innocent than seek a non-violent solution and die.

2. Christ would smile at anyone attempting to prolong his life with dietary restrictions.
Fallen man loves the idea of fads to prolong life, lacking faith in his immortal soul and God’s provision for anyone who loves His will.

3. Christ blesses the widow who shares possibly her last penny with the needy because He realizes she may now go hungry.
Fallen man always thinks first about his own imagined future needs and ignores the very real present needs of those around him. He also rationalizes his selfishness by imagining that the poor deserve their fate because they are lazy or stupid and that his good fortune is God’s largesse for good behavior!

4. If Christ deems another’s language offensive he says so, says why, and requests that the offensive behavior stop. But Christ always welcomes the questions of others, especially childlike voices empty of pride.
Fallen man demands that other’s voices be silenced if he is offended, cut funds for popular shows that the majority like if he doesn’t, and makes the huge mistake of thinking that God needs him (the fallen man) to protect Him and others who might be led astray. What fallen man believes the Bible to say is always more important than God’s actual intent! The only “gospel” is the fallen man’s belief system!

5. Christ suggests that we remember the Sabbath and keep it holy. It would be good to remember that false praise of God is blasphemy while a sinner who is angry at God, deserves our empathy, not judgment, that judgment of others is also sin.
Fallen man frequently makes the church experience a sideshow for showing his faith to others, and lives his life in complete disregard for God’s will the rest of the week. Fallen man still hopes that occasional gestures of good will (with no heart) will buy his way into heaven. He has no understanding of the idea that good works cannot prove we have faith, but flow without expectation of reward when we do have faith. Our desire is not prove anything to anyone, but to simply serve God.

6. Christ needed no health care, but offered it to the multitudes for free as a sign of God’s love. Doesn’t Christ say clearly that we are all our brother’s keepers (or do you have an excuse signed by your mother) ? Might heaven not be in your future after all?

You will notice there are no derogatory remarks about Republicans or Democrats in my musings. I submit that a true Christian will find real truth in what I’m saying and will I hope forward it to those he loves in love. The fallen man will as usual ignore it most likely because he will not like being reminded that he is a sinner and desperately in need of God’s grace. God grant that the true conservatives on this planet will be successful in helping all of us to love Your creation and to bless it with our words and deeds.

Brian Johnston
November 23,2015

Poet's Notes:
You will notice there are no derogatory remarks about Republicans or Democrats in my musings. I submit that a true Christian will find real truth in what I’m saying and will I hope forward it to those he loves in love. The fallen man will as usual ignore it most likely because he will not like being reminded that he is a sinner and desperately in need of God’s grace. God grant that the true conservatives on this planet will be successful in helping all of us to love Your creation and to bless it with our words and deeds.
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