Ph: Poetry Writing: Slandering A Poet's Poem Poem by Brian Johnston

Ph: Poetry Writing: Slandering A Poet's Poem

Who slander's a poem? Can count just to 'One'
With no rhyme or no reason, at best is not kind,
And if not this, a rapist, who'd fain waste my time,
Am I fool who's seduced by dark thoughts from a mime?

A 'One' with no comment should simply be banned,
For no trace back to maker invites refuse in
To the halls, others cherish, who won't drink Kool-Aid,
For we live for more light, not to die in the shade!

To say "I'm not fond of your content! " is fine,
But a poem speaks 'Truth' that its author thinks fit,
Is not Valentine meant for all comers and yet,
Still might welcome adversity, but I won't bet.

You tell me I'm ignorant, you've got a fight,
I've earned more in one year than most will in their life!
Sure, I know some earn more, and I wish you the best
For hell's home when you slander if life is God's test!

Brian Johnston
6th of April,2019

Poet's Comments:
On ', ' one of the poetry sites where I post my poetry, a registered poet on the site (not just a visitor)is allowed to rate any poem from 1-10 without comment and does not have to identify himself/herself! This practice has given rise to folks we call Trolls on the site who will on occasion trash a poem that others like by giving it a low score. My poem calls these Trolls all ignorant cowards and, I think, justly so, since they offer no defense of their low rating.

Sunday, April 7, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: poetry,writing
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