Phantasmal Grief Or Hope ' We'Re One Soul ' Poem by Danny The Dreamer Boyd

Phantasmal Grief Or Hope ' We'Re One Soul '

I sat there silently amongst those walls of four,
And kept an eye on destiny, and another on the door,
And stared and stared for hours without a single blink;
Yet had to close them finally: as did my mind deplore.

With eyes wired shut, I Hope almost lost,
And every second passed filled my life with frost,
My heart froze my mind that I couldn't even think;
Frozen, lonely, blind; is that what love doth cost?

Then I looked around and found that axe from before,
I once knocked down some walls and helped an angel soar;
Soared from my world and dropped me from high to sink!
But swam I did and still I am, and searching for the shore.

I held that axe so high and began to break the pain,
I felt that Hope did lie behind those walls arcane;
I've been here too long that it's become a clink,
Yet every brick I broke did still the same remain!

I had to find a place where walls do not detain,
Where Hope doth exist: as loneliness' a chain;
I had to find the way, I had to find the link,
I had to find the reason why all always down the drain!

I tried to those walls destroy however, failed again,
And so I found another way to still Hope attain:
I went around those walls of four and not through!
And there Hope was and I had to calm maintain.

'It's been a while.' while hiding the smile, I said;
I feared that Hope'd run in the darkness ahead,
'I lost my smile and sun, but not my love for you!
It killed me, our adieu; and did such sadness spread.'

She said, 'You speak with your eyes, yet your words I hear;
I know how sadness lies, and too doth appear,
I too did always cry, and still weep anew.'
She could no more deny that her toughness' a veneer.

Yet not a word was spoken, not even a single 'Hi':
For both our hearts were broken from our last goodbye;
Although years had passed, thinking apart we grew,
The present was the past as the memories did not die!

I fought thus far the loneliness, and so brave was I,
I had to feel my heart cry while mine eyes were dry;
We do both know that our love was but true,
Although to time subdued, it's still for now and aye!

We are where we started, right at those four walls,
We tried to move on, but the bond was not small;
'It's not better than before! ' and tears like waterfalls,
Streamed down both our faces, when we knew that We're One Soul!

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