I am the last person
That anyone would
Call shy
That is why
I'm so bold
When I speak freely
About your smile
It's picture perfect
One that no one
Could ever forget
Even if they tried
To do it
It's one of a kind
I'll admit it
I can think of
Words to descrbe it
That could go on for miles
Your smile
Has it's very own style
That will not
Go outdated for a very long while
You could just
Put your smile on
And there is no need
For anything else
You don't even
Need to get overly dressed
Your smile will impress
It's all you need
Nothing more
Nothing less
I can not stress
The importance
For me to thank God
For blessings me
To be able to see
Such beauty
There are over a million
Words that I could use
To describe it
But I'll just
Use one word
Your Smle
Is simply the best
It's picture perfect
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem