Please Help Me Poem by Fernando Alvarez

Please Help Me

The blood trickles down my arm
As the blade cuts away the skin
And releases the inner pain
There are so many things going on
Nothing is the same
From being raped and sexually abused
To being into drugs and booze
From popping pills and burning
To eating disorders and cutting
Yet no one sees these cuts on my arm
No one sees the tears I cry
All I want is for you to care
Why can't you see I'm reaching out
I need your help
I need your love
I need you to help me out of this hole I've dug
With every single dropp of blood
With every shattered dream
And every broken heart
I fall deeper into this hole
With every purge and every pill
Every flame and every beer
With every hit and every cut
I fall closer to hopeless
I fall closer to death
Instead of putting me down
Instead of telling me why I do this
Why don't you look deeper
Look into my eyes, my life
Look and see what I feel
And what I cannot be
I cannot be that perfect child
I am tainted can't you see
Why can't you reach out to me
Instead of turn away
All I really need
Is for you to stay
For every dropp of blood I loose
Every dropp of booze
Every hit I take
Every flame I make
For every pill I take
For every morsel I purge
Every person that has hurt me
Every time I have been abused
This is why I'm calling out
Why I'm reaching out to you
Please help me overcome my addictions
Please save this lost cause
I don't want to be lost anymore
Please don't give up
For if you give up and turn away
Who's to say I can last another day?
For my strength is giving out
I don't know how much longer I can go
Without saying goodbye to all I know
Please just dry my tears
Hear my plea
Come after me
Please just be my friend
Please just hear me
Take my hand
Let me know I'm not alone
That I have at least one friend

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