Poems Are Breath Poem by Liza Sud

Poems Are Breath

Sveta, it's great! Because poems are breath.
Sigh up to cesura, and then - exhale.
That's why it's easy in the universe
where lines are falling on heart with a break.

You enter as if into different substance,
And it is spinning, you're in its powers.
Outwardly - and it's true - you fall in prostration,
Only from inside - Glory's contemplation!

It is eternal, although it looks temporarily,
And it is calming, and calming of this -
means the reduction of yoke and of burden
On His light yoke, in which you melt to mist.

It is so easy, you're dealing with rhymes,
Line becomes - a thread within labyrinths,
Just go out to the shore with the gulfs,
Where you're with Christ, and not with boring nymphs.

Света, прекрасно! Стихи ведь дыхание.
Вздох вверх до цЕзуры, и дальше - выдох.
И потому так легко в мироздании
строчки ложатся на сердце с разрывом.

Входишь как будто в иную субстанцию,
И она кружит, тобой управляет.
Внешне - и правда - впадаешь в прострацию,
только внутри - созерцание Славы!

Можно так вечно, хоть выглядит временно,
и успокаивает, успокаивать -
это снижение ига и бремени
на Его легкое, в коем истаивать.

Это легко, обращаешься рифмами,
строчкой становишься - нить с лабиринтами,
только выходишь на берег с заливами,
где ты с Христом, а не с скучными нимфами.

Sunday, April 30, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: poems
Daniel Brick 30 April 2017

In this remarkable poem you are teaching another person about the ESSENTIALS of poetry in a highly original manner. First, you affirm poetry is as natural and inevitable as breathing, and it is involved with the heart, the center of LOVE. It leads us into a spiritual level of existence where you describe the poetic and the religious sharing common purpose. The inspiration of poetry and faith takes us to the symbolic source of things symbolized by water, which is also an entry in the presence of Christ. Your poem thus unites poetry and faith into a larger whole. I think the poem should end with that image of Christ, which takes us beyond our normal selves and normal experience. (In other words, why give us the image of pagan nymphs? Our spiritual eyes should see only Christ at the end and not be distracted by a rival image of the divine! !) Instead of boring nymphs shouldn't the last imasge br zJesus welcoming thr poets

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