Pompous Style Poem by Shabnta Shah

Pompous Style

Rating: 5.0

Pompous is style
In living, dressing, speaking
Even in eating,
My friend Nancy
Once ate pompously
Next day got admitted in hospital
I visited her
She promised giving up that habit
And to be normal
And said man should be natural.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: style
Muzahidul Reza 20 August 2018

A great message this poem outstandingly bears for all, all should take lessons from this great poem and try to lead natural life, thanks for sharing the poem with us here in poemhunter,10

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Chinedu Dike 29 November 2016

Pride goes before fall. A well articulated piece of poetry nicely penned with insight. Thanks for sharing Shanta

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Muzahidul Reza 29 November 2016

Pompous is style In living, dressing, speaking Even in eating, My friend Nancy Once ate pompously Next day got admitted in hospital I visited her She promised giving up that habit And to be normal And said man should be natural. very nice poem in reforming style

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Muzahidul Reza 29 November 2016

Pompous Style is a modern poem about a bad habbit, Pompous. for it Nancy suffered, So I think human should be norman and natural, it is a great poem, thank you for sharing,10 Please, comment on my poems

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