Power Of Prayer Poem by Chris Jibero

Power Of Prayer

All purpose potent drug
Without overdose
Is prayer
Take as many pills often
As you can
For it revives, restores
And heals
It is meat that men should eat
Everywhere always
Making none a glutton nor obese

Pray individually
Pray collectively
Pray vocally
Pray silently
In season and out of season
For an effectual fervent prayer
Of the righteous avails much

By prayer sins are forgiven;
Remember David after killing Uriah
And annexing his wife, Bethsheba.
It heals the sick; the invalid
For thirty-eight years
At the pool side of Bethesda.
It raises the dead; Lazarus
The friend of Jesus.
It shatters fetters and frees the bound;
Peter in Herod's prison
Awaiting execution that was annulled
By heaven
And Paul and Silas too.

By prayer barriers are broken
And unusual favour given;
Remember Queen Esther.
It liberates the oppressed;
The children of Isreal in Egypt.
It consoles the grieving;
The Christians at Joppa
When Tabitha (Dorcas) died.

By prayer the barren becomes fruitful;
Remember Hannah
The mother of service excellency
Called Prophet Samuel.
It opens the eyes of the blind;
It provides food for the hungry;
Five thousand fed
With five loaves of bread and two fishes.

By prayer wrongs are avenged;
Remember Mordecai against wicked Hamman.
It makes the lame walk;
The cripple at the gate called Beautiful.
It subdues enemies;
Jehoshaphat against
The children of Moab
The children of Mount Seir
And the children of Ammon.
And how can we forget the great victory
That Samson's last prayer wrought on his enemies!

Verily, verily, all problems bow
When prayer steps in
But if yours yield not
Immediate positive result
Fret not
Blame no one
Think not that God hears you not
For He does hear
And He does answer

Just intensify your prayer
It has no overdose
And do add
And thanksgiving
For they are like frequent cash deposits
Into a savings account
And fortunately, heavenly investments
Yield the highest dividends ever
As in one shall chase a thousand
And two, tens of thousands
So get not weary
For due season comes shortly
And your desire shall be delivered
Unto your bosom
Because the Prince of Persia and his cohorts
Are continually annihilated.

(c) Chris Jibero.

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