Praise God Forever Poem by Joyce Hemsley

Praise God Forever

Praise be to God as long as we live
For all the wonders he doth give.

There is nothing in life, large or small
that God has not given to us all.
He gave us clothing, gave us food
Gave us water and oil-crude.

Biomass and waves of the sea,
wind-power blowing wild and free,
and in the land of Ingenuity,
we have the gift of electricity.

Leather shoes and dresses of silk
golden rings; bottles of milk!
Our God gives all necessities.
Come, let us pick the blackberries.

Christmas chocolate is always spare
coffee and tea and steak done rare,
and as I devour my apple sweet
this comment I will now repeat:

Praise be to God as long as we live
for all the wonders he doth give.

Joyce Hemsley

Joyce Hemsley

Portsmouth England
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