Praise Hymn Poem by Amber Glistener

Praise Hymn

</>Praise him, let your voice ring out,
let his name be heard, through the mountains,
chant and yell about his glamorous glory.
Feel his power flow through you.
Let it be as common, and wonderful,
as blood flowing through your veins.
Praise him for his work,
for he has created you,
he has created the day,
and no matter if your day is clouded up and rainy,
let it be rains of healing, love and compassion.
For today is the day,
he has made, rejoice and be glad in it.
No worries of tomorrow, but trust in the day,
live by The Lord.
Always praise him,
call him father, call him Lord, call him God.
For he is who they are, he is our God,
who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name,
by kingdom come, I will be done, on Earth,
as it is in heaven, and give us this day, our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespassers, as we forgive those who trespass against us,
and lead us away from temptation
and forgive us from evil, for thine is the kingdom,
the power, and the glory, forever,
we pray in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and savior.
For this is what the Lord's prayer is supposed to mean.
Our father, our creator, who lives forever in heaven, and his glorified name,
let his will be done, for I am his, as you should be.
Spread the glory of his name, worship him and give thanks,
for his beautiful creation and works, and praise him.
Praise him, don't just pray if you desire something, tell him about your day,
walk with him. Praise him, praise his work, love him and tell him that.
The Lord is our father.
We should love him that way.
Love him, Praise him.

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