Puppets And Puppeteers Poem by Sara Militello

Puppets And Puppeteers

Rating: 3.8

Puppets And Puppeteers

When of a night I lay awake
From dusk to dawn my head upon
A comfy goose-down pillow puffed
Warm and snug in my tidy loft,

Unable to calm unwelcome dreads
Whirling through my head,
I wondered if a puppeteer might
Be likened to unseen wordsmiths

Compiling duplicitous meanings
Fueled by a less benign intent
Like craftily directed human thought
And actions into distinctly ruinous forms

Of untruths similar but unlike
Those who man puppet strings
Equally obscured by clever lighting
And unseen hands in playful artistry

Toward the goal of benignly entertaining
Youthful beings.
Then I recalled that once there was a time
In the not too distant past when language

Was less often used to deceive
and that we might best wonder why...

October 20,2016

Saturday, October 22, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: philosophical
This poem is driving me nuts! It's still evolving as I replace words I feel better capture what I'm trying to achieve in it. I set out to experimentally omit punctuation and handle this poem as a run-on thought process. I've worked on it frequently from the moment I thought to write it; continue to be inspired to tweak the words used.

I didn't expect it to be reviewed so quickly and I'm afraid I still cannot guarantee not to edit it again.

As Robert Frost is known to have said; he never considered a poem irrevocably finished. I too tend to edit my poems as a means of refining them by further reducing the words used or to replace one here and there to make every word count toward the feeling I wish to capture.
M Asim Nehal 22 October 2016

I can tell you even without further edits this poem is fantastic, Indeed we are puppets and live this life performing and emulating things that is scripted well before we are sent on earth......The fate and destiny rules our lives and we are just the doer. A thought provoking poem after a long gap....100++++

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