M. Asim Nehal

M. Asim Nehal Poems

When I asked sea about the Pearls,
It laughed and said that is one of my lovely jewels.

When I asked about light to the sun!

My mind says - Leave it and proceed!
My heart says - Stay and believe,
Is it a tug of war between mind and heart?

Thorn pierces blood from stem,
to make rose ever red.
Blossoms it to attract every eye,
and win all heart in the process.

Your journey begins on 18th or 19th day
After fertilization of eggs
You are the first organ to be formed
And function to beat and pump blood

The seed of love is lying in my heart
the clouds are becoming heavy
the air has become cool and breezy
mountains stands tall and steady

A man started to wonder
about the life of a tree
standing at a place
without any movement

All roses no thorns,
come to this wonderland
fragrance everywhere,
blue sky wears silky clouds

When love resides in heart
The head makes body to dance
Life enjoys moments
Tic tac tic toe tic tac

They say my heart is weakening
Yet my love is increasing, how come?
And they do not answer it.

Sometimes I wonder
What should be the colour of love?
Colours like red, blue, green all occupied
Yellow, brown and pink all well defined

When I am gone, who will come to see
my lifeless form, lying peacefully?

Will it be those who loathed my name,

She took away my fears
and opened my heart
like a letter
and found written

In a beautiful valley
With snow on a mountain top
flowing spring between the trees
meadows grazed by horses and sheep

Let lights of heaven shine on the streets of love
as hearts beat in unison with the stars above
let peace be the song sung by the birds
as they soar in harmony, without any words.

You sing a lullaby for me,
I shall dream about you
On the silvery moonbeams
Falling through cotton candy of translucent sky

Years have passed, since we met last
Yet my eyes are wet with the tears of exodus.

Though we are miles apart, physically

Parrot Out Of Cage ~ Can't Fly

For several years
he lived inside the cage

M. Asim Nehal Biography

Dr. M. Asim Nehal (Asim, Ashi) ; born on 26th April.1969 in Nagpur, Maharashtra, India. I write poems in three languages: English, Hindi, and Urdu. I am very enthusiastic about writing. My writing career began at a young age. I've written poems in various forms such as Haikus, Limericks, and Ghazals, and I've covered a wide range of topics that speak to my heart. I enjoy expressing myself through humour and metaphors. Some of my poems are mystic, with philosophical undertones. Despite the fact that I am a CA Chartered Accountant by profession, my heart is drawn to art, literature, and poetry.)

The Best Poem Of M. Asim Nehal

Happy Birthday Gift - To My Sister

When I asked sea about the Pearls,
It laughed and said that is one of my lovely jewels.

When I asked about light to the sun!
Overjoyed, he uttered there is no life without it.

I asked river, What pleases its heart?
And she said, to become lovely waterfall.

I asked flowers; tell me why thy blossom is for?
To play with the wind, the scent waft, Byron persecutes, and for it I live.

I asked moon, tell me your purpose of life?
To come at night play with stars and allure with waves and play hide and seek.

When I asked Mount, What is the purpose of your standing tall?
He said, to talk with clouds and convince them to fall on earth.

I asked, Birds tell me your whereabouts?
And they said, To fly high, to talk with winds and to sing a song.

And all of them asked me; Now you tell us what your heart feels about?

I said the greatest jewel of my life is bigger than all yours and that is for my Beloved Sister.

Because, Her love is deeper than the sea, her faith is more firm than mountains.
Her feelings are more gentle than the flowers, Lighter than clouds, playful like rivers

And she is bigger than the sky of Sun, Moon and all stars
And of course she is my Sister, My loving Sister - Farah Naaz.

M. Asim Nehal Comments

Souren Mondal 30 November 2015

Very few poets in this site has the versitality that Asim Nehal shows. His poems are in two languages, and both his English and Hindi poems (with just the right dose of Urdu in them) are sure to leave you awestruck. But the best part about his poetry is how he writes so many different forms of poetry. Haiku, Senryu and all sorts of poetic forms are to be found in his poems, and he excels in them all. But his ghazals hold a special place in my heart. I wish him all the best and hope we will continue to read the beautiful poems from a beautiful human being that Asim is... Thanks Asim for being a part of this community :)

99 13 Reply
Nosheen Irfan 31 December 2015

A beautiful poetic soul who writes from the depths of heart. It's a pleasure to come across his poetry on this site. Versatile and mature. His verse has range n rhythm. He is definitely one of the best. Wish him a bright name in the poetry world.

98 10 Reply
Md Anisur Rahman 07 December 2015

dear poet you are a brillient writer and poet.I hope you will submit a lot of poems.

86 12 Reply
Darren Jkoeryo 12 November 2015

You write poetry that touches heart. Your expressions are fantastic and beyond doubt you will rise above others. Your poetic sense is very strong. Wisdom in your verses, Life in your lines, love and passion in your pen is something to mention on your page in particular, God Bless you.

83 10 Reply
M Asim Nehal 26 September 2015

Thanks you Janab Akhtar Jawad for such encouraging words, I am still learning, learning to write and learning to think, the beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. Shukran, Jazak Allah Khair.

48 10 Reply
Poetic Sky 22 May 2024

I am back to read your poem, good to see so many of them. I will leave my comments on as many as possible.

4 0 Reply
Sheeya Hacks 13 April 2024

You are an accomplished poet. When you write poems that touch a lot of people and touch their hearts, you're good, keep going and write good poems.

2 0 Reply
Bill Cantrell 01 February 2024

I am more and more impressed with M.Asim Nehals poetry, such talented poet, his poems are all unique with a freshness which is much needed in todays poetry, I am anxious to read more of his poetry

7 0 Reply
Dennis Ryan 30 April 2023

I love your senryu, "the caskets of gold" waiting to come forward, to be "called out". An exceptional poem. I lived in Sapporo, Japan for some years, translated the haiku, senryu of my poet friend Kaoru Kubota, into English.Kubota

13 0 Reply
Tihama Hykam 18 March 2023

I find your poems very interesting. You seems to have depth of understanding about human nature and behavioral pattern. Your philosophical poems are real gem. Keep writing God Bless You.

15 0 Reply

M. Asim Nehal Quotes

How innocent I am, I don't know the person who lives in me And I try to access everyone I meet. How innocent I am, I spent time in exploring galaxies and far worlds Whereas my immediate neighbors are alien to me. How innocent I am, To think about my future and plan for it When moments are slipping from me presently.

They will never say what all Good you did. But will always point a finger on what you missed. They enjoy their success in finding your faults, You continue doing what your heart wants.

Never close your lips for those, to whom you have opened your heart ♥

Virtues are like firewall that protect us from evils, Live this life with simplicity without nurturing evils.

Love is a deep sea, no swimmer has ever crossed nor found the pearl of peace or inner tranquility and contentment

I don't know how to fly on my own but HIS faith on me lifts up every time to the height beyond skies.

Learn to live gracefully, Learn to say goodbye, Life will try with loss and gains, Take everything with pride.

Keep your promises as best you can, Especially to your friends they are pillars surrounding you.

Determination swings between Possession and satisfaction to win heart and soul of human body.

बात ऐसी हो की दिमाग में जाये और बस जाये.... वरना दुनिया में सब कान लिए फिरते हैं ज़बान पर तो लगाम नहीं रख सकते अंजाम की दुहाई दिए फिरते हैं

Good soul dwell in beautiful mind, pure heart and inner beauty.....

The world has many gifts for those who really reach them.

The finest truth is the simplicity of a man....

Walk under the umbrella of my blessings, where ever you go. Do what ever you wish and excel in what ever you do. Life is too short to worry, hurry your worries to go. Stay cool and calm is all situations, keep patience don't forgo.

If you do not have a secure place to keep it, do not invest in it, neither it will benefit you nor you will cherish it.

If you know how to set the tunes, life will learn to dance on it.

Love is a mirage the more you strive to get near the more it gets elusive.....

The greed of every human stands naked when it come to sacrifice.

The external fear can be conquered by the inner peace......

Our soul is under the prison of body and we are the prisoners of life.

We cannot undo our past but we can recreate our present and reshape our future.

The greed of every human stands naked when it come to sacrifice.

The virtues of this life cannot be counted by anything other than by our own good deeds which we did to others having been blessed by the Almighty.

The virtues of this life cannot be counted by anything other than by our own good deeds which we did to others having been blessed by the Almighty.

खुशबु लेकर जो उडी ये हवाएं फिर न रुकी कहीं ये सिलसिला गर्दो-सफर का जारी रहा कहीं न थकन ही महसूर हुई और न रुकने का सोचा कहीं अब कब तक चलेगा ये सफर या रुकेगा भी कहीं....

Faith and belief are two pillars on which religious adventure rests.

आस्था और विश्वास दो स्तंभ हैं जिन पर धार्मिक साहसिक कार्य होते हैं

The road to success passes through the path of courage.

Silence is the death while still alive.

Ek SajDa kya Kaafi hai Momin ko Aqeedat ke liye Jiske KaDmon me KayNaat PaDi hoti Hai? एक सजदा क्या काफी है मोमिन को अख़ीदात के लिए जिसके क़दमों में सारी कायनात पड़ी होती है

I have control over my tongue not over my thoughts.

When oil burns then only the firefly burns To achieve something you need to sacrifice everything. पहले शमा खुद जलती है, फिर परवाने जलते हैं अपनी हस्ती को खोना पड़ता है कुछ हासिल करने के लिए

मेरा मन आज भी जल रहा है तुम्हारे प्रेम के लौ से जिसकी आंच संसार को समेटने में लगी हुई है

Life is a journey, get set and go Some are to lead it and some to follow Each life has its own meaning to bloat Some reach to top some remain in hollow Never mind just carry on with intertwined values

Every dream that you pursue affectionately certainly and eventually come true sooner or later - keep faith.

TRUST is like an iceberg, beneath which water flows continuously and forever. Though top is fragile hence needs care if it melts then in no way it can be restored.

The Intrinsic value of human heart is infinite....

Your luminous smile will lit the surrounding hence keep smiling.

♥♥ There are many shades of LOVE and every single one is amusing in its own way.♥♥

Love is the fabric of soul, silken touch of heart and smooth ride of feelings.♥

Emotionally hurt person can be healed with LOVE ♥

♥ Love is a feeling undefined. Love is in action neither practiced nor performed.

Love is patient, love is kind. ♥ ♥ It has no envy, nor it boasts itself and it is never proud.

Silence will lead to end of any battle be it with others or with self. No one can fight with silence.

The Argument is like a chewing gum, the more you chew the more it gets sticky, neither good for others when thrown nor for own mouth.

The Argument is like a chewing gum, the more you chew the more it gets sticky, neither good for others when thrown nor for own mouth.

Water from spring and child from womb Introduces to the nature with enthusiasm As their purity gets lost in the process They are calm and quiet towards the end

A strand of hair can separate the fake and genuine, from dark to light, nature transforms it as well, acquire knowledge in youth and utilize it as you age, wisdom accompanies maturity, no quick routes to bypass

Life is like a mirage. No one could chase it and no one got hold on it. It is like holding sand the more we try to tighten the grip the quickly it falls apart. Past is the dust left behind it will only makes our hands dirty.

Indeed love is amusing. You never know what surprise it holds next.

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