Puzzle Of My Life Poem by Hallie Angel

Puzzle Of My Life

In a box so cluttered with doubt
How do I put these pieces together?
Each piece with a different shape, a different curve, a different feeling
Overwhelmed with confusion
I start my struggle putting the pieces leading up to fulfillment of accomplishment and relief
I pick up the first piece and line it with the next
It doesn’t fit.
I pick up the next
It looks right, it feels right, I think it fits.
I get this feeling of relief like I have everything figured out
I know how to put my puzzle together.
I set the first couple pieces together they fit
My luck is changing
My next piece has many curves
It’s a much harder piece to add to my beautiful picture that I love to see
I see another piece that’s similar
It looks like it’ll fit I convince myself to be positive and that they go together perfectly just like all the others.
I set the two strange pieces together and try to make them fit
Why aren’t they fitting like the rest?
Why can’t I figure this out, I don’t know how to do this anymore?
The puzzle was going so great, I was I was so happy to have things all figured out,
Now I’m back to my box full of doubt; I’m lost.
I need help.
No ones there to help, I need to find someone.
I search and I find a friend
She helps me put my picture together again.
I can see my perfect picture that I smile at each glance I take
I know what to do now.
All my worries make sense
Almost every piece to the puzzle is in place.
I now know what the real picture is.
The puzzle of my life.
There’s a piece missing.
Nowhere to be found
I don’t know what to do,
How do I fix this?
Then reality hits me

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