Quotation Of The Heart Speak The True Of Love At Heart Poem by Putri Misnia Shary Bahri

Quotation Of The Heart Speak The True Of Love At Heart

Why can't we be together when the heartbeat felt so alive
When we are meant to be, Why is it hard to breath when you
fill all the bury of pain alive inside you
your heart fill with secure the happiness where there
in his arm where forever love rebuild and renewed in a
passing year month love blossom in the heart money
can't buy happiness Don't let go the real pure love
inside you, caused you regret losing the one you need
for a lifetime, a person whom can heal your pain read
you through your feeling understanding deeply within you
secure your heart who seek the meaning values within you
like no other can ever know the meaning behind your words

you never going to find another the one
you almost once forever lost
Never know it turn to grey as we walk a distance without
saying goodbye its much pain full pricing the heart that
human can't see a heart but to felt the wound inside
fill with pain goodbye never said
Fear of let go of someone important caused his your
precocious that mark and brings the best out of you
which mark the heart of you
Your place a shock of heart attack as each partner seen
the same face of his girl or her guy at the gym or either
at the rode way of drive

Both heartbeat are missing each other don't let go
make a permanent together with the prove
caused real pure love happened once last for a lifetime
Don't let the one you need pass you by
Don't let your heart regret of lost the real meaning
of pure love at heart

Chances are made to re-fix the healing forgiveness to
free the fear of real love mark once in our life time for the last
No one can touch your heart unless your felt secure comfort
warm the love given the meaning

some of us don't get the real meaning of pure love behind the values of the one he/she need is just right in front of the eyes.
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