R&R Casualty Poem by Garrett Westcott

R&R Casualty

Blinded by the noise
Headed for the pit
I forgot the reason
I started a path so dimly lit

My drug was the noise
It felt like candy to my ears
The melody was so sweet
But it only brought me tears

The next song was my fix
One more and I'll be O.K.
I'll work extra hard tomorrow
Was my favorite line to say

I wallowed in the filth
Of anger and sex gone wrong
The verse then the chorus sunk me lower
With each and every song

A R&R casualty
Is now what I am
Like a man getting run down
On the tracks where he stands

I couldn't hear the train
I was listening to the noise
Of my favorite drug
About a life with no more joy

I had become an addict
To sorrow and misery
I went to church for help
And prayed, dear God please help me

Recovery wasn't swift
But I got rid of the harder stuff
Then little bit by little
I followed a road of peace and love

The key was the prayer
That I said in church that day
Without the Lord to guide me
In the pit I would have stayed

Thank-you God of heaven
Thank-you God above
Thank-you dearest Jesus
Thank-you for your love

The joy of life is returning
The joy of heaven is growing strong
Praises to our God Almighty
Who helped me hear a brighter song


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