Rani And Shadow Poem by Francis Duggan

Rani And Shadow

Rating: 3.5

Rani next door is trying to seduce Shadow he calls around to see her every day
But Shadow doesn't succumb to his advances she growls aloud at him as if to say
I won't make love to you or any other, I've had enough of male cats in my time
I've been desexed and I feel I am ageing and in feline years I am beyond my prime

Rani the big male brindle has been neutered but that he cannot father kittens he doesn't seem to know
The sexual urges in him are still vibrant at least he is prepared to have a go
But Shadow in sex seems quite uninterested and with jealousy she guards her territory
And she growls at every male cat who comes near her as if to say you stay away from me.

'Twould seem that cats and dogs are very different on dog for trust and love you can depend
But hungry cat will always brush against you and just for a feed feign the part of a friend
And full of food slink off to find a quiet place and doze an hour or two or three away
The hunters of the night so very complex will sleep and laze for most part of the day.

Scarce a day goes by that Rani doesn't visit Shadow but with her he will never copulate
She growls at him to tell of her displeasure and she doesn't purr to greet him at the gate
He plays the part of the feline casanova but Shadow in his game will not take part
And he goes home to Stella and Georgina with only disappointment in his heart.

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